Legacy Decks Academy

Welcome to this incredible podcast episode where we dive deep into the world of deck building with special guests, Chris and Amy Breen from Legacy Decks Academy. This episode is a must-listen for anyone in the deck building industry, from novices to seasoned professionals. We explore the Breens’ journey in transforming deck builders into savvy business owners, discussing the challenges and triumphs they’ve encountered along the way.
Chris and Amy are not just coaches; they’re industry innovators who have made a profound impact through their work at Legacy Decks Academy. Their approach has reshaped many deck building businesses, guiding them through common pitfalls like disorganization and unclear business models. This significant contribution to the industry was recognized with the prestigious 2022 Recognition Award from the North American Deck and Railing Association (NADRA), a testament to their expertise and influence.
In our conversation, we delve into a range of topics, from balancing hands-on deck building with business management to scaling a business while maintaining quality. We also touch upon the role of technology in modern deck building and look at future trends. Join us as we uncover the insights and strategies that have helped many in the industry find success, all thanks to the pioneering guidance of Chris and Amy Breen

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From Passion to Podcast: April Edwards’ Journey to ‘We Love Deck Builders

Join April Edwards in the debut of “We Love Deck Builders,” where her journey from digital marketing expert to podcast host unfolds. This first episode delves into April’s inspiration behind the podcast, aiming to connect deck builders with industry insights and actionable strategies for growth. Get a glimpse of the compelling conversations, expert interviews, and community-focused stories lined up for future episodes. Whether you’re deep in the trade or new to deck building, this podcast is your gateway to enhancing your business and joining a thriving community. Tune in and be part of our mission to empower the world of deck building!

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Crafting an Unforgettable Client Experience: Amplifying Referrals and Online Reviews

This article emphasizes the importance of creating an unforgettable client experience in the deck-building industry to amplify referrals and online reviews. It outlines strategies like personalized communications, efficient use of technology, and long-term client engagement to enhance the customer journey. These approaches transform satisfied clients into active promoters, boosting the business’s visibility and credibility.

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The power of SEO for deck builders

Optimizing your website for search engines significantly increases the chances of potential customers finding your deck-building services. This article emphasizes the importance of SEO in enhancing online visibility, credibility, and attracting more clients. It guides deck builders through crucial strategies like keyword research, website optimization, and content creation to boost their online presence.

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Taking your business to the next level

Explore how strategic marketing can transform your deck building business. This concise guide highlights key tactics for increasing visibility, gaining a competitive edge, and nurturing stronger customer relationships. Uncover practical steps to enhance your marketing efforts and propel your business growth. Ideal for deck builders eager to elevate their enterprise to new heights!

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