
"We Love Deck Builders" Podcast

Strategies for Growth & Success

Empowering the Deck Building Industry: Strategies for Growth & Success


Welcome to "We Love Deck Builders," a podcast uniquely designed for deck building professionals. Hosted by April Edwards, a leader in deck builder marketing, this podcast is your gateway to the latest trends, strategies, and insights in the deck building industry.

Each episode dives deep into topics that matter most to you: marketing, sales, business growth, and industry innovations. Our mission is to provide you with the tools and knowledge to not just compete but excel in today's dynamic market.

Whether you're a seasoned deck builder or new to the industry, "We Love Deck Builders" promises to be an invaluable resource, helping you navigate the complexities of business ownership in the deck building industry.

About the Host


April Edwards

Entrepreneur. Innovator. Industry Leader.

April, the founder and growth strategist at Deck Builder Marketers, is dedicated to helping deck builders excel in their businesses through innovative digital marketing strategies. With her extensive experience in marketing since 2004, April leads a team of experts focused on driving growth by boosting online exposure. Her passion for the industry, combined with a comprehensive understanding of internet marketing, enables her to effectively guide clients towards achieving their long-term goals.

Be a Guest

Do you have insights, experiences, or expertise that could benefit your peers in the industry? We invite you to share your story with us! Apply now to be a guest on the podcast.

We're looking for:

  • Entrepreneurs transforming the deck building landscape
  • Innovators with fresh, actionable strategies
  • Leaders willing to share their journey and insights